Our free energy diagnosis allows to evaluate the insulation of your home and the existing constraints, and all this for free. Whether in term of resistance to moisture, air, but also the needs for heating and the study of change relevance.

We use a professional and approved software.

We identify your goals with you. Two levels of analysis are possible:

  • Mandatory energetic renovation
  • Or the search for a better energy classification (french Thermic Regulation RT2012 or RT 2020).

The RTxx standard corresponds to the energetic renovation requirements. Below this standard we would be in default of advice, because of our RGE commitments.

But it can also be your choice to adapt your housing to actual energy standards: RT2012 or RT 2020.

  • The first standard allows you to reduce your energy consumption at the same level as a new BBC type house (Low Consumption Building). Or approximately 50 kWh by square-meter by year.
  • The RT2020 or BEPos (Energy POSitive Building), makes your house passive. Indeed, thanks to renovation, in particular in addition to solar panels installation: energies consumed will be “erased” by those produced.

In general, we consider that a RT2012 type of house contains two renewable energies sources. And RT2020 type uses at least three of them.

Receive your free energy diagnosis, prerequisite study for equipments renovation project. We will address you your results in 48 hours.

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